I've posted articles from others who inspire me before. I hope they're helpful for those of you who maybe don't follow these other blogs. Some of the most inspiring people to me are Lisa Bevere, Christine Caine, Louie Giglio, Bobbie Houston, Jentezen Franklin, and yes, even my very own husband! I love reading and/or listening to podcasts and posts by all of these writers. Every once and a while I will paste something they've said that really spoke to me here in my blog. Yesterday, I mentioned something Chris Caine had said that really spoke to me. Today, I'm DOING something that she posted that really spoke to me.
Today, I'm taking a little "time out" in hopes of spending more "time in". Read this below to know what I'm talking about! Hope you enjoy!
A Little Time Out Ensures a Long Time In
Today, I'm taking a little "time out" in hopes of spending more "time in". Read this below to know what I'm talking about! Hope you enjoy!
A Little Time Out Ensures a Long Time In
Earlier today I posted a tweet saying, "A little time out ensures a long time in." This really seemed to resonate strongly with people.
In an age where we are all running a million miles an hour, juggling so many different hats, trying to come in on time and under budget with all our activities, advancing the kingdom of God, and growing more like our Heavenly Father each day, we can tend to feel overwhelmed, inadequate, exhausted, and just plain old tired.
I think before we get to the overload stage, we need to just take regular little bits of time out. These can include watching the sunset, walking along the beach, going on a shopping trip, joining a friend for lunch, watching a fun movie, celebrating a holiday, or whatever it is that replenishes you. When you do this, you will find your physical, spiritual, and emotional batteries charged, and you will last for a long time.
Most people do not give up over a single incident, but rather because they have not recharged themselves regularly over a long period of time. When a crisis, challenge, or stressful situation arises, they quit because there is nothing left with which they can overcome; they are depleted. Therefore, it is wise to take little breaks often in order to endure for a long time.
God calls us to run our race AND finish our course. In order to finish, you must stay in the race, to stay in the race you must keep going, and to keep going you must take some time out.
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