As I sat down to prepare for sharing my heart with our Sisterhood group in our student ministry, I found myself preaching to myself. Does that ever happen to you? The words you use to encourage or exhort others with, ends up speaking just as much to you as they do to them? Oh, you too? OK, good!
My heart sinks every time I talk to a teenage girl about how poorly she sees herself. How doubtful she is about her place in God's heart. I've had enough! I've officially set out to kick Satan in the teeth on this one! Enough is enough! We are daughters of the Most High King! Jesus overcame the enemy's plan once and for all when he laid his life down on that cross. I will for the rest of my life seek to tell as many women-young and old-and men too-how they are ENOUGH! How the Creator of all loves and adores us.
While pouring all of this out for my sweet girls of Sisterhood, I realized that many women my age and even older continue to struggle with this. We continue to fight the battle of self-image like it is ours to fight alone. We continue to look out into the world to tell us who we are and what we were created to do. I'm not sure if any of us will have all of this worked out this side of heaven, but I know we can discover who we are in Christ by looking at His Word.
Our true identity rests in the hands of King Jesus, and Him alone. I believe we have poor self-image because we lack God-image. We cannot know who WE are until we know who HE is. We must learn to take on His perspective, and learn His words, His promises, and start speaking that over ourselves when we look into the mirror.
It's time we look UP to find our who we are instead of looking OUT--into the world, in the mirror, on the scale, in movies and magazines, and on social media.
You are ENOUGH! send His dear son to suffer crucifixion so that you can be with Him.
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