So I'm on Day 2 of my Daniel fast. Fruits, vegetables, and water. That's it. Sounds like torture-especially for a "meat and potatoes" kind of girl. I Love fruit-and several veggies too though, so it's not bad (yet). I've also given up facebook. Scott and I are wanting to grow closer together as well as hear from God about a few specific areas of our life, so I'm devoting these 3 weeks to seeking God, hearing from God, praising God, and being more productive as a wife and mother! This morning I was reading my fasting devotion and it talked about repentance. "From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.'" Matthew 4:17 In the Old Testament the word "repent" meant to "be sorry". But in the New Testament, the Greek word means "reconsider or think differently". It's no longer OK to just "be sorry". We're called, commanded even, to chan
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